Custom Web Development
When you need help turning your ideas and designs into a high-quality website or web application on a low budget, how do you know who you can trust to get this done?
Stellar technologies is a good offshore web Development Company and will help you understand the kind of questions you should be asking the Virtual team. Below are the key areas we are going to be looking at, and what you should be looking for in an offshore web Development Company.
We specialize in front-end and back-end development using modern web technologies, ensuring your website is, responsive, and scalable. From e-commerce sites to complex web applications, our team of experienced developers delivers high-quality solutions to enhance your online presence.

Don’t just specialize in one back-end technology
There are a number of good back-end technologies that are appropriate for web development including ASP.Net, Ruby on Rails, and PHP (and others). We all have their strengths and weaknesses and not one is perfect. A good Virtual team should be flexible in which technologies they use, so that we use the most appropriate one for their clients’ needs.
Able to do both front-end and back-end development
We subscribe to the idea of developers that the do front-end development and do back-end development. We specialized in both. We agree there is a separation between web designers and web developers, but the separation between front-end and back-end is just totally wrong. To be a good web developer you need to understand the full development cycle and to be able to get involved in the project from start to finish. So we have expertise on both type development services.
Understanding of marketing strategies surrounding the projects
We’ve heard this complaint many times that offshore web developers don’t think about the marketing strategy of a project. This is generally because developers don’t care. But we care all process.
Should follow best practices
The key to being a good web developer team is not the technologies that we use, but the best practices that we follow. As technologies come and go in our very fast moving industry those best practices will remain or at least evolve. Below we are rounding up the best practices that we are talking about.
1. Writing semantic HTML
2. Follow web standards for all front-end coding
3. Use of an MVC framework
4. Automated testing of both front-end and back-end code
Invests time in research and development
As everyone knows the web industry is a very fast moving industry. Things come and spirit in the blink of an eye. We allocate the time each week to look at new trends and technologies for our developer and do our best.
Has a rigorous testing process, including automated tests
We write automated tests (integration test, unit tests etc.) for all their code, both front-end, and back-end. On a simple level, tests help developers to concentrate on the code they are writing at that given time, they also help developers to write more concise code.
For more questions and customize solutions for your next project web development, please feel free to let contact us now!